Friday, July 3, 2009

Engagement Shoot Part 2: The pictures!

"Are they up yet?"
"Nope, not'll probably take about a month, they are super busy this time of year, and that seems to be about the turn around time they usually have. I think its pretty amazing that it only takes them that long, actually."
"How about now, are they up yet?
"Nope, not'll probably take about a month, they are super busy..."

This is pretty much the daily conversation for the month of June, so you can imagine the JC+E joy when I checked this morning after breakfast with Brendan, one of my groomsman. We are finally ON their blog!
One saturday in early June, our experience with the dynamic duo was nothing less than completely natural and easy. Its probably the rare combination of their personalities, energy, professionalism and artistry that can make it seem that way. We do know that behind this apparent ease was an intricately engineered clockwork whizzing away at light speed. And switching between our relaxed natural state, and the realization about what's going on behind the camera is one of the things that made a day with the Marantz's such a special one.

When we arrived, we found their mini parked on the crushed seashell drive, and the Justin and Mary already comfortably relaxing, having just done a wine tasting at the very same picnic table we ourselves had done our post-engagement toast, wine and cheese mini-meal.
Cool. We quickly dressed, after garnering their of advice on what outfits would look better together, and several hours zoooomed by. We did break quickly to slam down some cheese, fruit and crackers for a second burst of shooting, but from what I remember the sequence was as such:
We shot next to some flowering weigelia, got well acquainted with the old rusty ford, then in front of some symetrical doors of a barn, and then in the vines.
Then we jumped in our cars, down the estuary lined roads, to find that a final shoot at the closed-for-the-evening horseneck beach wasn't in the cards, but the tenacious J+M was up for some quick shots on Gooseberry Island ( has a facebook page? weird) as the sun was fading. did they make these pictures look like a great sunny day at the beach? Nice.

We were all kinda cold, and definitely hungry, so I invited the (very generous, thank you again) Marantzs' to have dinner with us at the Back Eddy, where we've had a number of our post-beach lunches. We really love the ardent use of local and ultra fresh ingredients, from the oysters to the salad greens to the house made pickled carrots. Anyway, getting to know Justin and Mary was a natural continuation of the day, and I instantly got the feeling that I would start inviting them over with good regularity for some of my 'everything from scratch' dinners.
If they only lived less than three hours from Boston. Seriously, though, when you are in the area, let us know. I want to cook for you. I know you're very busy, but you have to eat. :)

I did leave the evening with some doubts and regrets...
I have been experiencing some serious camera envy (see if you can guess which of the above pictures from the Marantz-machine, and which are from my POS digi...yeah, not that hard), and the experience sealed the deal. I'm seeking Justin's advice on what might suit my budget/needs, and will be picking up a digital SLR well before the wedding, so I can be acquainted with it before the honeymoon. I should probably stop proscrastinating on the Lasik too, but that's another story...

Having read almost all of their posts, and going through many months of anticipation, now to see ourselves up there in all kinds of digital glory...

well, Justin, Mary...

let us just simply say:

thank you


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