Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dress Fitting #1

I had my first dress fitting yesterday!!

If I haven't already told you (10x) that my soon-to-be Aunt Norma is making my dress, you know. Norma is a creative GENIUS and makes beautiful work out of, fabric, whatever. We currently display some original Norma throw pillows in our living room and keep her ridiculous brownies in the freezer for special treats. When Norma said that she would be honored to make my wedding dress for us I was ecstatic.

JC & I drove down to Norma & Jim's place on the Cape yesterday where Norma has been working on my dress. After a brief chat, we kicked JC out so Norma & I could get to work. As soon as I saw the dress lying on a bed...I was speechless. I worked with Norma online while she was in Florida this winter to figure out the best shape and style for my dress, and Norma sent me small fabric samples to choose from but I am NOT a creative genius so I had no idea what to expect. My brain works best with numbers and patterns, and exercise, but I can barely draw stick figures (evidence to the left) so I really couldn't envision the dress we were designing. I have to say, it is BEAUTIFUL J I'm not going to ruin the surprise with pictures, so you'll just have to be content with the happy (naked) self-portrait you see here.

After Norma & I discussed minor adjustments and finishing work to be done, we let JC & Jim back in the house so we could all have a proper visit. If you're going to the Cape, you have to get lobster and ice cream so we ended a fabulous day with a delicious seafood dinner on the water and ice cream (in fresh waffle cones!) at the Polar Cave Ice Cream Parlour where Jim's granddaughters work.

Stay tuned for Fitting #2!

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